Am I right or am I right ?
Taking life one step at a time
Am I right or am I right ?
Since last Friday, I can say that, I finally did it….
The work and research of several years have converged towards their goal, I successfully defended my PhD thesis and only have to wait for the formal papers to be issued.
Recently I was talking about the idea that businesses need to reinvent themselves and to be very
creative in order to assure their success.
Because of the scarceness of resources for business ( you never have enough of what you need ) why not go for the outsourcing option.
The outsourcing of topics like Customer Care , Call, Centres, IT , Tech Support, etc is a very common and widely accepted topic.
What about the outsourcing of your CFO function ?
I am using the term CFO for a senior finance professional or executive
To get a clear answer about this potential , partial or complete outsourcing of your CFO function you must first clarify the following essential aspects:
1-st step before going further with this outsourcing is to ask yourself what do you want for your business and what do you expect from an outsourced CFO .
1.1 What do you want for your business ?
Well this is pretty obvious you might say , you want to develop your business .
This is all fine and fair , the only thing is that you might want to grow in a way that you are certain that you can count on the healthy growth of your business.
This kind of a growth is not easy to manage
…you are right when you say growth is growth ergo it is OK.
Well not really , you must grow in a consistent way and not too fast. The growth rate of your business must be in sync with the rate that your organization can adjust and accommodate the growth.
Consistent growth means that you have to have a pretty good ideea about your business on at least mid term if not long term. From the CFO perspective this would mean that you have a strategy that will grant you some predictability and easier planning.
1.2 What can you expect from an outsourced CFO
For sure you can not expect , OK small correction , you should not expect that you got rid of your problem, the healthy growth of your business. It is still you business and you are still in charge and fully liable about what your doing.
This outsourced CFO function can give you as a business owner the breathing space to focus on the actual business development like promoting sales, developing your product and/or services, hire/fire your staff, etc . Don’t worry you still have a lot of things to do ….
From your outsourced CFO you should have at least this benefits :
No business equals no business support services
no business support services equals no business
What about the CFO function complete / partial outsourcing ?
Would you do this kind of outsourcing ?
If yes what activities would you outsource ?
The pro’s and con’s of CFO outsourcing can be many and their efficiency can depend on the way you use the outsourced CFO.
Most of the outsourced business functions are not business critical and are usually support services. But in the today’s economic environment business need to reinvent themselves and be very creative in order to succeed.
Outsourcing the CFO function is a way to bring on much-needed financial expertise on a flexible and affordable basis.
Contact us to get started with your free one-hour meeting.
Request a first meeting to see how TopCFO services can add value for your business within your budget and timeline
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As of today the TopCFO project has gone live.
What it is all about , why and further details can be found at
Check it out for details.
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Think global act local , not the other way around.
…as I have found out you have several options.
You can go ahead and make lemonade, meaning you can do the best out of the existing situation.
What if you got from life also a big load of lemons and also a big lemonade ?
What now ?
Well , you can either throw them right back , meaning that you somehow deny what has happened or try to keep up the optimistic point of view regardless of what has happened because life has to go on no matter what …..
Actually you do not have to many choices, you have to get you things together and keep on with life.
It might be hard to accept and it might be impossible to understand what has happened…but in my view you have to keep going.
You might also get very mad about life and “demand to see life’s manager”… but hey what can you do …..it might suck but you gotta love it.
All is getting even more complicated when you get at the same time also a BIIIG lemonade ….somehow everything got much more easier to cope with.
Well it is not that easy to cope with both at the same time, lately I have got exactly this two from my life ….I have got a big , big pile of lemonades but on the same time I have got also an unexpected big and sweet lemonade.
I got pretty messed up coping with this two at the same time but in the end I had to adjust and get on with my life and try to make the best of it.
Recently I have posted some thoughts about change in the case of senior management / executives.
Fact is that the posting ended with the dilemma “To change or not to change ?”
This dilemma is valid for the individual and also for the organization .
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